
VII: An Expert In My Field

Well... As you know I'm a chemistry student and for that today I'm going to talk about a scientist as me... Louis de Broglie "The prince of quantum"...

Louis-Victor Broglie was born in France in 1892. He studied physic theory in the "Soborna University" and obteined his PhD in 1924. At the beginning of 20th century, when the quantum mechanic began to fail to describe the behavior of the atom, despite of the Einstein's postulate about his photoelectric effect wherein explain that the electrons can perform as a particle or a wave, a young french physicist (De Broglie) postulated in 1926 the duality wave-particle. He, creatively, thought "if the electrons perform like a particle, would the particles also behave as a wave?". This postulate was considered something crazy by the scientist of that time, it was rejected by a lot of physicist but no for Einstein.

This french scientist put together the Planck equation and the Einstein equation (quantization of energy and special relativity, respectively) to elaborate his hypothesis, concluding that our whole world is quantum, depending on the speed and mass... That's so crazy, just think about it.

The De Broglie hypothesis was demonstrated by Davisson and Germer in 1927 with the electron diffraction experiment, awarding De Broglie the Nobel prize in Physics in 1929.

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Some of his works were "The new physics and the quanta (1937); Continuity and discontinuity in modern physics (1941); Physics and microphysics (1947)".

He died in Paris on March 19th, 1987.

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